Several people wanted me back on the Elbert County Citizens page. One even went so far as to add me back without me knowing it. I guess I did not realize that was possible, but hey, you live and you learn. This was my first post upon my return to the page and so I decided I would get off on the wrong foot for my opening salvo.
Two things need to be said this morning. Number one, and I suggest you check me out on this with the State of Colorado, the Planning Commission is not a courtroom and its members have no right to hold a "swearing in" procedure. They are merely a group of citizens who give advice to the commissioners on planning and development. I swore an oath as an elections official because I handled sensitive information. I had a background check done to insure I was not a criminal. All of that was perfectly acceptable and necessary. Nobody should agree to anything that gives the false impression that a body has more power than it does. If I ever attend another Planning Commission meeting, I will swear into their meeting when they agree to pledge allegiance to Sponge Bob Square Pants. The second thing is that the Planning Commissioners do not own the truth. They own their own perception of the truth. To suggest that the "Speculative opinions and general expressions of fear of potential increases in crime, traffic, or impacts on property values do not constitute competent evidence" is to suggest that their unprofessional opinions are the law. People have every right to speak their hearts. They, after all, are the reason we have representation in government not vice versa. They have every obligation to listen to the people even if it runs counter to their preconceived notions. This is an insult and a travesty. The new commissioners need to stop this run away train before it goes another mile. Remember, there is no political affiliation when people stand up to protect their homes. I do not know who decided that this was a good idea, but it needs to be eliminated before the county finds itself in yet another newsworthy scandal that leads to unnecessary litigation of which it is certain the PC (and thereby Elbert County) will lose. Haven't we learned anything?
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